Cat Enclosures – What You Should Know

Cat Enclosure

Cats love being outside.  The mental stimulation from exploring is priceless and the ability to exercise and keep a pet’s weight down is invaluable.  Exposure to sunlight is essential for vitamin D production.  However, the toll that cats take on our native wildlife from hunting is devastating and that unwanted marking of a cat’s territory…

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Retained Deciduous or Milk Teeth In Cats

Retained teeth 1

What to Do if your cat Still Has Its Baby Teeth? Cats should lose their baby teeth by the time they are Adults. Find out what to do if your kitten still has its baby teeth and if it is a problem? Above:  Retained canine teeth in a cat Mammals are born without teeth. Most…

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Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is becoming more and more popular in Australia. It offers you peace of mind as it covers some or all of the treatment costs if your pet was ever involved in an accident or suffers a sudden illness. There is no equivalent of Medicare for pets, thus often treatment costs exceed what an…

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Kitten Care

Kitten Care

Caring for your Kitten Bringing home a new kitten is an exciting time for everyone in the household. This little bundle of fluff will entertain you as it plays around your house and garden. Even the most simple of items can entertain your kitten for hours on end. Items such as paper bags, ping pong…

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Flea And Tick Control

Flea Control Fleas are most often seen during the warmer months but as we keep our homes nice and warm throughout winter, we see fleas all year round. Only a small part of the adult flea population actually lives on your pet. The fleas’ eggs and larvae live in the environment and can survive for…

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Feline Gum Disease/Kitten Gingivitis

Three classifications of kitten dental disease. Juvenile hyperplastic gingivitis – young cats with red very inflamed gums Early onset gingivitis – moderately inflamed red gums in kittens and young cats at the veterinary dentist. Juvenile onset gingivitis and periodontitius – gum and periodontal disease Tooth Resorption – the process when tooth structure breaks down, usually…

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