Health Check
Dog Pregnancy and Whelping
Pregnancy and Whelping Bitches can whelp (give birth) 55 – 70 days after mating. In general, the expected date of whelping is around 63 days after the last mating. More accurate prediction can be made if your bitch’s cycle is monitored by vaginal smear or blood testing. Is my bitch about to go into labour…
Read MoreChronic Kidney Failure In A Cat
By Dr Phil Sacks Kidney failure is a very common problem in older cats. As a veterinarian in private practice explaining the cause, prognosis and treatment and possible prevention of kidney disease is an every day occurrence. To start all pets should see a veterinarian at least once a year for a general clinical examination.…
Read MoreCat Vaccination
Vaccination has revolutionised control of infectious disease in our pets. It is essential that all pets are adequately vaccinated to help protect the pet population as a whole. Responsible pet care requires kittens to be given their initial course of vaccinations, but this cannot protect them for the rest of their lives. Adult cats require…
Read MoreBad Breath In Dogs
Halitosis in Dogs What specific dog breeds are more prone than others to halitosis? Specific dog breeds (for example, toy breeds) are known to have more often gum disease, and therefore more often bad breath. Most common Miniature poodle crosses and Spaniel crosses with lip fold pyoderma Do flat-nosed breeds often develop severe halitosis? Is…
Read MoreAQIS Veterinarian – Things You Should Know
UPDATE: Effective immediately we now only offer rabies vaccinations and rabies titre testing for AQIS clients, we no longer offer other AQIS services. There is a significant tendency for AQIS clients to be abusive towards veterinary staff. AQIS clients require longer consultations with significant paperwork, which is why there is more cost involved. It is…
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