AQIS Veterinarian – Things You Should Know
Dr Phil Sacks is an AQIS veterinarian , that has been helping with pet export for many years.
Dr Phil Based in Melbourne is a companion animal export veterinarian. We do rabies vaccination and accredited testing for export.
Companion animal export veterinarians are certified and accredited by Australian quarantine services.
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is currently reviewing the accreditation process for registered veterinarians to prepare companion animals for export泡nd Dr Phil in Melbourne is certified to deal with pet export.
The following requirements apply for veterinarians preparing companion animals for export.
Complete the Initial Accreditation Training Program of the Accreditation Program for Australian Veterinarians (APAV) - has been completerd by our A.Q.I.S. vet, APAV is administered by Animal Health Australia and is the national program designed to integrate private veterinary practitioners into the national animal health system to support the international standing of Australia's animal health service capability.
A.Q.I.S. Accredited Vet
If you are taking your pet overseas our A.Q.I.S Accredited vet can help you with matters pertaining to export. Please phone on 0398089011 to book an appointment.
We have AQIS accredited vets on staff which enable us to do all pre-export preparation . We work with the pet travel agents.
Certified Rabies certificate
Rabies vaccinations are one of the most common requests we receive from our AQIS clients. We do them routinely.
Under Australia's Export Control Act 1982, an Approved Export Program (AEP) for livestock export must only be carried out by an Australian government accredited veterinarian (AAV). A veterinarian for this purpose is defined under section 4A.01 of the Export Control (Animals) Order 2004 as a person who is registered under the law of a state or territory as a veterinarian, veterinary practitioner or veterinary surgeon.
In order to apply for accreditation as an AAV, a veterinarian must:
- be registered by a state/territory veterinary surgeons board in the state in which he/she is intending to conduct export work;
- have successfully completed the initial Animal Health Australia Accreditation Program for Australian Veterinarians (APAV);
- have successfully completed the Animal Health Australia online AAVet course (this is separate to the APAV program).
Note: To be accredited to undertake shipboard work, the veterinarian must also be an Australian citizen.