Canine Tooth Restoration
Not so long ago veterinarians did not treat tooth fractures or damaged teeth. Now we know that many patients suffered silently as the tooth slowly died and became abscessed. once the pulp cavity is exposed , this is always painful, as it is in humans even if we are not aware of it.
Is the outer layer of the tooth is damaged we can often easily restore it. The canine tooth restoration is similar to a human filling.
Here is a case seen in February 2017. A young German Shepard Dog with a traumatic injury to the bottom canine tooth. if left untreated it is likely to become further infected and lead to loss of the tooth. Note the penetrating wound and black discolouration:

After careful burring away of damaged enamel and scaling and polishing the affected area – it is prepared for the restoration.

Now to do the “filling” on the canine tooth – after acid etching and bonding the dental composite is light cured into the prepared site.

The final repair – and all we need to do is smooth the surface of the tooth.

Can you give a rough estimate of range of costs of this process for a ( larger) chihuahua with decay in one canine, please?
East Geelong Vic
Most dentals at our clinic usually cost between $1200-$1400. This includes procedures such as a pulpotomy. If you want a more exact estimate, it’s best to book a dental check appointment.