Removing Over 20 teeth!
Sometimes the oral cavity has advanced dog dental disease. This Schnauzer was much loved and appeared to be happy and eating well , which would explain the advanced dental disease.
In this case the Vet dentist usually charges a fixed fee and removes many of the infected teeth in a single Veterinary Dental Procedure. Often a follow up exam is needed, as extracting canine teeth is often time consuming and traumatic. Dog teeth often have deep multiple roots, that need to be surgically extracted. As we see a fair amount of dental cases we can remove a lot of teeth in a single procedure.
The aim of the veterinary dental is a pain free mouth AND an infection free mouth. Not trying to save all the teeth.
We usually try and limit the number of repeat dental anaesthetics and veterinary dental treatments.

Decay in a canine molar tooth. Dental X-rays will determine the viability of saving the tooth Vs extraction.