Retained Roots – Cat Dental
Meet Loki who was admitted with an infected canine tooth that was fractures and had a retained root.
Loki is a 15-year-old cat that has traveled far to see the feline Dental vet, all the way from America in fact with his owners who have moved to Australia.
The owner expects a thorough feline dental exam; and a safe feline dental anaesthetic and gentle pain free handling of Loki, their best mate!
At the Veterinary dental clinic in Melbourne:
This Is Loki, Post operative in recovery, First in a heated Theater, on a heat mat, and still on a drip with a nurse by his side monitoring him closely. Loki was then moved into a heated cat hospital incubator.
After the Damaged Canine tooth tip was gently elevated, the real feline dentistry started. The infected root remained, infected, causing dental pain deep in the socket and needed to be removed. The cat dental procedure’s usual ultimate aim is for an infection free and pain free feline oral cavity.
What the tooth looked like in the socket -there is infection and reaction around the damaged root — causing pain.
Leaving a feline dental root, of an infected canine tooth would be so chronically painful so a gum flap was surgically made, and the root tip extracted using basic cat dental principles.
Cats have friable gums and teeth that break easily. A feline dentist would use fine cat dental instruments and handle the feline oral tissues gently to promote a good pain free recovery and healing. Local anaesthesia, ie dental injections and post op pain relief help with the pain control.