Vet Dental Extractions

Extracting a Canine Tooth in a Dog or Cat.

Canine teeth are large teeth with roots that are double as long as the tooth we can see. It is not straight forward. Dog teeth are not Pulled.

The veterinary dentists making a large gum flap – using special dental drill to remove the bone around the very long root. Then various size veterinary dental elevators are used to break tooth root attachment. Once the canine tooth is extracted, and the large hole that is left behind is cleaned. The vet dentist then gently handles the gums and they are stitched closed using fine absorbable suture material. The gums need to be handled very gently and the pet dentist usually uses magnification like human dentists do for a neat closure of the gums. Common complications that we see from canine extractions , as a referral, are oronasal fistulas – a hole from the nose to the mouth.

The largest tooth on a dogs mouth is the carnasial – or maxially premolar 4.

This is the tooth that hyenas in Africa use to crush bones!. After a large gum flap sectioning the tooth into three and 30 – 45 minutes later the tooth gently remove and the gums sutured closed. It is great having a veterinarian experienced in dental procedures doing dental work as it results in a better safer outcome.

Dr Phil loves doing veterinary dentistry and has had years of experience under animal dentists.

Dog dental

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